I can't do bounded_by on prism somewhy, but its not a mathematical
so on what bounded_by do applys on?
conic_sweep prism is ending at a point, that is 1 * delta_height (end
height - start height)
the angle is not neccesarily 45, but it acts funny on advanced prisms
like this:
prism {
-1, // height 1
0, // height 2
10, // number of points
< 0.2, -1.0>, < 0.2, 0.2>, < 1.0, -0.2>, < 1.0, 0.2>, < 0.2, 1.0>,
<-0.2, 1.0>, <-1.0, 0.2>, <-1.0, -0.2>, <-0.2, 0.2>, <-0.2, -1.0>
pigment {color rgb 1}
// [open]
// [sturm]
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